May 24, 2024
Automated sales order creation

Sales orders are the lifeblood of your business. For you, success is driven with accurate and rapidly processed sales orders received through Internet storefronts, self-service applications, EDI transactions, or traditional phone, fax, in-person contact. JD Edwards provides diverse and flexible sales order management capabilities fully integrated to all aspects of your enterprise – from the accounting and customer contact through manufacturing and logistics 

Automated sales order creation in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (JDE) is the use of automated procedures and tools to generate sales orders without manual intervention. This automation improves efficiency, lowers errors, and ensures that orders are processed swiftly and precisely. 

Implementing automated sales order creation in JD Edwards (JDE) offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance business operations.  

 Here’s a detailed yet simple explanation of these benefits: 


Automating the sales order process means employees no longer need to enter orders manually. This saves a lot of time and effort, allowing staff to focus on more important tasks like building customer relationships or developing new products. 


Manual data entry can lead to mistakes. Automated processes reduce these errors, ensuring that orders are accurate. This means fewer problems with order fulfillment and happier customers. 

Faster Order Processing 

With automation, sales orders are processed much quicker. As soon as an order is received, it can be automatically entered into the system. This reduces waiting times and helps the business respond faster to customer needs. 


Automated sales order creation can be linked with other systems in the company, like inventory management and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This integration provides real-time updates and better visibility across different departments, improving coordination and decision-making. 


As the business grows, the automated system can handle more orders without needing a lot more resources. This means the process stays efficient and effective, even with a higher volume of sales. 

Cost Savings 

Automation reduces the need for manual labor and minimizes errors, which can save money. These savings come from lower labor costs, fewer mistakes to fix, and better use of resources. 

Improved Compliance 

Automated processes ensure that sales orders follow relevant laws and company policies. This helps avoid issues with non-compliance and potential fines or penalties. 

Enhanced Reporting and Analysis 

Automating sales order creation generates valuable data. This data can be used for reports and analysis, providing insights into sales trends, customer preferences, and operational efficiency. These insights help the business make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement. 


How the process works:

  • Paper-to-Digital Transformation Made Easy: We seamlessly transition your paper purchase orders into digital format, simplifying your workflow and reducing errors. 
  • Harnessing AI for Smart Validation: Our cutting-edge AI technology reads and validates purchase orders, ensuring accuracy and compliance with your business rules. 
  • Effortless Sales Order Generation: With our system, creating sales orders is as easy as a few clicks, eliminating manual data entry and the risk of mistakes. 
  • Unlocking Efficiency and Productivity: By automating sales order creation, your team can focus on strategic tasks, driving productivity and business growth. 
  • Delighting Customers Every Time: Faster order processing means happier customers. They get what they need quickly, strengthening your customer relationships. 

Ready to streamline your sales order process and boost your business? Let’s start automating today! 

Implementing automated sales order creation in JD Edwards can streamline operations, improve accuracy, and support business growth. It helps the company work faster and more efficiently, saves money, and enhances overall customer satisfaction. 


How Can RST Solutions Help with Automated Sales Order Management? 

At RST Solutions, we specialize in implementing and supporting automated sales order management systems. Our proven track record shows significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings for businesses of all sizes. 

Our experienced team will work closely with you to: 

Understand Your Needs and Challenges: We tailor our approach based on your specific requirements. 

Design a Customized Solution: We create an automation solution tailored to streamline your sales order process. 

Implement Seamlessly: We ensure smooth integration with your existing workflows. 

Provide Ongoing Support and Training: We offer continuous support to ensure your success. 

Contact RST Solutions today to learn more about how automated sales order management can streamline your business and provide a competitive edge. 




March 29, 2024
Top RPA Trends to Look out in 2024

Understanding RPA

Definition: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a subset of AI that enables the configuration of software “robots” to automate routine tasks by capturing data and following structured inputs and business logic.

Implementation and Cost: RPA bots are easy to implement and cost-effective as they do not require deep systems integration or custom software.

Is RPA on its way out or up?

Robotic process automation (RPA) has been weighed and measured, and we know what the future holds for our task-automating friend in 2024.

RPA falls under the umbrella of intelligent automation (IA), which also includes business process management (BPM), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). So, does standalone RPA still live up to its hype? Has enterprise-wide automation completely consumed it, or is generative AI finally pushing it to the curb?

What is the future scope of RPA?

RPA is now in use in many organizations, but what else can it do than automate monotonous tasks? It’s only getting started. More firms will take the plunge into automation and explore new business opportunities. As we enter the new year, many firms will prioritize lowering costs, improving customer service, and enhancing security, governance, and compliance in accordance with expanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards.

As you are aware, generative AI is inextricably linked to RPA. As new technical improvements emerge from generation AI, RPA will grow to produce even greater efficiency and production.

What Are the Trends in RPA?

We’ve narrowed our 2024 predictions down to 7 RPA trends involving:

  • Generative AI + intelligent automation.
  • Digital worker-first processes.
  • Evolving from pure play to platform play.
  • Strategic applications.
  • Better user accessibility for citizen developers.
  • Ethical automation and ESG compliance.
  • Governance and security.

1. RPA adoption Will Increase Manifold

Due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, RPA will continue to be a critical part of business processes.

According to the report, Robotic Process Automation Market Growth & Trends by Grand View Research, the global RPA market size is anticipated to reach USD 30.85 billion by 2030.

Gartner’s Competitive Landscape: Business Process Automation report adds, “By 2025, 70% of enterprises in all industries will have engaged digital business model transformation services to implement analytics-driven business decisions and management capabilities.”

Business Process Automation can help streamline operations by reducing human errors and resource costs. It allows faster and more accurate processing of data. It can interpret transaction-processing applications faster, and as a business tool, communicate effectively with other digital systems.

Any industry with large and complex processes is a natural fit for RPA to reduce overall costs. They allow more dependability in operations.


2. RPA Will Strengthen with Support from Other Tools

Enterprises are increasingly seeking seamless integrations, propelling RPA beyond its role as a standalone robotic process tool to an integrated solution alongside machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).

In the coming years, RPA will undergo further evolution, extending its reach to facilitate processes for broader enterprise utilization. By incorporating natural language processing (NLP), the need for human intervention will diminish, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the standalone RPA platform.

A likely trend will be the emergence of an end-to-end process management platform. As this unfolds, human resources will gradually become less integral to routine activities, allowing them to shift their focus towards strategic planning and plan implementation.


3. Accessibility for Citizen Developers

An additional factor propelling this evolution is the widespread adoption of low-code and no-code solutions. This shift ensures that technical expertise is no longer a prerequisite for operating RPA platforms.

Non-technical business teams can harness its capabilities for their operations and processes. By 2024, nearly half of RPA adoptions will originate from departments outside of the IT realm. As its benefits drive business profitability, RPA will transition from being an IT-centric technology to a business technology.

With this expanded user base, RPA may consolidate into a unified platform alongside BPM and intelligent document management platforms.

The overarching expectation is that RPA will transform into an end-to-end platform for optimizing business processes, including industry marketing outreach, in the next year.


4. Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) Will Become Mainstream

AI offers promising capabilities to businesses today. IPA represents the fusion of RPA’s rules-based automation with AI’s cognitive insights, heralding a new era in Intelligent Process Automation.

IPA harnesses machine learning and fundamental process redesign, enabling continual learning and improvement over time.

With the anticipated surge in RPA adoption in the years ahead, the market for intelligent process automation is poised for significant growth.

5. RPA Will Strengthen with GenAI

The growing significance of GenAI across various industry sectors will further bolster RPA. GenAI’s capacity to offer actionable insights will merge seamlessly with RPA’s efficiency in process delivery, amplifying the benefits RPA brings to businesses. Consequently, GenAI will equip RPA with orchestration capabilities, enabling intelligent automation of all processes it handles.

6. Driving Sustainable Growth

Enterprises are fast realizing that automation could be the key to a sustainable business organization. RPA will play a key role in achieving the ESG and sustainability goals going forward.

On the face of it, automation enables them to optimize costs across the business, creating more opportunities for standardization with a view to sustainability. RPA enables optimized processes, reducing waste and optimizing utilization of natural resources. Deploying robotic automation will also save energy by cutting back on its usage in physical units.


At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in RPA, ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs. 

Why Choose RST Solutions? 

  • 20+ Years of Expertise 
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach 
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions 
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth 

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.  

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs 

March 14, 2024
Purchase Order Approval using RST Mobile Force Apps

Purchase Order Application allows for seamless purchase order processing.  

As a firm grows, its essential business systems must scale up to meet rising business demands. Manual business solutions lack the flexibility and scalability to meet changing business demands. Progressive businesses want automated business solutions that can adapt to their evolving company requirements. 

Among company systems, the procurement system has a direct impact on organizational spending. The procurement system consists of two major components: purchase order and invoicing order processing. The deployment of buy order software streamlines the organization’s procurement workflow. 

Mobile Application for JD Edwards 

Purchase Order App 

Purchase orders are paperwork submitted to suppliers requesting delivery of an order. The purchase order specifies all of the details of the purchase request, including the order description, number of commodities, PO number, payment terms, conditions, and policies that must be followed. When the seller accepts the PO, it becomes a legally enforceable agreement. 

RSTSolutions’ Purchase Order Approval app offers a simple user experience for seeing, responding to, and acting on purchase orders on mobile, tablet, and online devices. Create POs, manage vendors, track purchases, and simplify the purchasing process to save time and money.  

The app is compatible with all ERPs software’s. 

Key features:  

  • Approve or reject requisitions and purchase orders – View attachments –
  • Export PO details to Excel – Access an analytical dashboard for PO approval.  
  • Upgrade PO Approval Process – Implement Push, Text, and Email Notifications
  • Simplified communication between originator, supplier, and planner. 

 Benefits :

  • Quick approval for purchase orders right away, making work faster. 
  • Gives managers lots of information so they can make better decisions. 
  • You can approve purchase orders on your phone. 
  • Easily approve orders from any phone or tablet, which saves time. 
  • Connects with JDE and ERP systems to make sure approvals happen fast. 
  • Sends reminders on your phone to approve things quickly. 
  • The app looks nice and is easy to use. 
  • Works well on any phone or tablet. 
  • Makes approving orders fun to encourage more people to use it. 

Contact us for a Purchase Order Solution and Schedule a free demo for our Purchase Order Mobility App. 

Email :


March 6, 2024
RPA Consulting & Services Solutions in New York

RPA consulting services in Pennsylvania

Automate business procedures and uncover new businesses
opportunities in pennsylvania

Move beyond traditional rule-based automation

RPA consultancy in Pennsylvania and deployment accelerates data movement across systems.

Our RPA consulting  services in Pennsylvania include developing and deploying automated processes, integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence, and enhancing the client’s business ecosystem. RST Solutions, an UiPath partner, provides a comprehensive automation platform that combines RPA solutions to boost scalability and maximize resource potential.


Robotic Process


Unlocking the power
of RPA in

Hire RPA developers

Our Pennsylvania-based RPA consulting services can help streamline your corporate processes. Our skilled RPA experts can assist you in automating repetitive operations, increasing process efficiency, and freeing up employee time. Contact us today to understand how our RPA consulting services and RPA professionals may help you revolutionize your organization.

We can be your ideal UiPath implementation partner in Pennsylvania

RPA-as-a-service (RPAaaS)

Integrated RPA services designed for various industries

rpa in insurance

RPA in insurance to speed up validation checks.

Close the gap between legacy systems to improve the overall claim processing operation. Adopting RPA integration allows insurance companies to provide their customers fast, personalized and considerate services. It helps employees to rapidly approve the claims and process it. RPA helps insurers to increase business efficiency and reduce operational costs.

rpa in logoistic

Automate tasks from procurements to deliveries

With IoT, AI and ML integration with UiPath services, get benefits like efficient order management, reduced downtime, enhance operational excellence, and achieve greater productivity. RPA bots can assign a delivery partner based on the location of the products, allowing logistics companies to focus on their key operations.

rpa in banking

Adhere to regulatory compliance with RPA

RPA automation can translate into not only time and costs savings but also allow financial institutes to explore automation opportunities to improve productivity. From customer verification to account opening to detecting fraudulent activities, UiPath integration allows financial institutes for better financial planning. Accelerate invoice processing by UiPath automation to reduce days payable outstanding (DPO).

rpa in healthcare

Reform patient care with UiPath RPA in healthcare

Utilize RPA bots to fetch historical patient data and offer the right treatment. Achieve better resource management and streamline the documentation process. RPA ensures increased appointment turnout and better patient experience. Healthcare providers can achieve higher data transparency, for effective collaboration to provide the most suitable treatment options. With pre-defined rules, they can ensure better compliance adherence.

rpa in manufacturing

Faster turnaround time with RPA in manufacturing

From invoice processing to supply chain automation, UiPath RPA development in manufacturing is the key enabler for increasing production speed for faster go-to-market. Automate R&D operations, increase customer engagement and boost productivity within the organization by implementation RPA solutions.

Automate your workflows with our RPA implementation services

Automating Insurance Claims Processing with RPA

Manual data entry is very time-consuming and cumbersome. Many insurance companies manually enter their customer’s details from the vehicle claim processing form into their application. Check out this automated form-filling RPA service that helps insurers to perform the following tasks:

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools we leverage

We leverage a combination of open source tools that are enterprise-ready to let you realize the benefits of RPA. We also utilize the capabilities provided by technologies like ML and AI along with RPA tools from different RPA vendors to create smarter bots for you to make informed decisions.

Data reporting with RPA for seamless process automation

The client is a finance and accounting firm based in the US. The company manages multiple customers with multiple locations. It became tedious for them to manually consolidate and share crucial data, especially confidential financial information. We offered them RPA automation solution to streamline their data management and report generation process. The company observed the following benefits:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are RPA consulting services?

RPA consulting services include assessment, plan, design, deployment, and support to improve productivity, decrease operational cost, and increase the scalability of an organization.

What are the benefits of using RPA?

RPA not only enhances accuracy and efficiency in business processes, but also eliminates human workers from spending their time on tedious and repetitive tasks. This enables workers to focus on work that requires human judgment and understanding.

What results can I expect from implementing RPA?

By implementing RPA, you can improve business productivity and easily automate routine business processes. This frees up employees from working on tedious and repetitive tasks. Besides, you can focus more on the strategic activities that demand more time and effort. Write to us to gain a better understanding of our RPA consulting services.

Which RPA tools are best to automate finance processes?

A drag-and-drop workflow builder and application integration are two of the most important RPA tools for companies in the financial sector. Businesses can connect multiple software systems and automate monotonous tasks that require flawless compliance by using these tools.

Featured Insights

Accelerate your business growth with our RPA development services

Get in touch with RPA experts

March 5, 2024
Tips for Managing JD Edwards Finances

JD Edwards is a strong system, and the financial capabilities may help you administer your business’s finances smoothly and automatically. However, the amount of data required to keep these systems working can be overwhelming, and things can easily get out of control if not carefully managed. Here are a few frequent issues we’ve seen with JD Edwards financials, as well as ways to avoid them in the first place or resolve them after the fact.

Use the Automated Cash Application Feature.

Tired of the manual cash application grind? It’s time to modernize your approach. Traditionally, companies receive paper checks or lockbox copies, adding complexity with various payment methods like credit cards and PayPal. JDE offers a solution: automated cash application.

Instead of manual data entry, banks and credit card companies send electronic files directly to JDE. Sophisticated algorithms match receipts to invoices, handle unapplied cash, and write off small discrepancies, freeing your staff for other tasks. This not only boosts efficiency but also improves accuracy compared to manual processing. Lockbox payments also reach your bank account faster.

Clients typically achieve 75-80% match rates, with some reaching 95% through optimized invoice and lockbox processes that encourage customers to provide clear remittance information.

Keeping Your General Ledger Balanced

JDE financials rely on two crucial files: the General Ledger (GL) Transaction File and the Trial Balance File. The GL Transaction File details general journal transactions, while the Trial Balance File resembles a monthly balance sheet with account lines. These files must always be synchronized.

In one client project, the Trial Balance File didn’t align with the GL Transaction File, causing inaccurate financials. Here are common reasons for this imbalance:

  • Cancelled Post Jobs: During the posting process, JDE updates both the GL and Trial Balance. Cancelling a post job mid-cycle disrupts this process, leaving the files out of sync. In this project, nightly post jobs were delayed and cancelled by the team to start operations on time. The solution involved adjusting the nightly schedule to ensure all jobs finish, preventing future imbalances.

  • Data Manipulation: While tempting, changing GL dates in the Transaction File to force entries through a specific period can cause integrity issues. It’s better to post the entry in the correct period and make necessary adjustments later.

  • Month-End Close: Ensure all GL transactions are posted and companies within the Trial Balance File are balanced before month-end close. Run JDE integrity reports throughout the month to catch and address errors early.

Maintaining Accurate Records Through Reconciliation

Maintaining organized data requires regular reconciliation. Here are two crucial reconciliations in JDE:

  • Inventory Reconciliation: A perpetual inventory not reconciled with the General Ledger can lead to control and audit issues. Our consultants have developed an efficient process to reconcile the inventory system, ensuring its integrity and accurate month-end reporting.

  • Received Not Vouchered Reconciliation: This account, especially in older JDE versions, can be challenging to reconcile due to various factors like human error and landed costs not reflected in reports. We’ve helped clients develop automated processes to identify variances, eliminating human error and improving report accuracy.

Both inventory and received not vouchered reconciliations are crucial monthly tasks. A diligent finance team and someone with a deep understanding of the inventory system are essential for successful reconciliation.

These are just a few ways to ensure smooth operation of your JDE financials. If you have specific questions about optimizing JDE for your organization, feel free to contact us.

Make a smart investment with JDE Edwards: real value, real savings. 

At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs. 

Why Choose RST Solutions? 

  • 20+ Years of Expertise 
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach 
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions 
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth 

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.  

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs 

February 29, 2024
Streamlining Your Account Payable Using SMART Goals

To begin with, it’s necessary to understand the word ‘Accounts Payable’.  It is the sum of money that a business owes to its vendors or suppliers for the orders or services received but not paid for. It is mentioned in the balance sheet of the company under the head ‘Accounts Payable’.

If AP gets automated then it will benefit the business enterprise with more productivity, reduced expenses, and swiftly managed cash flows…thereby providing clarity in the business work, productivity, transparency, and overall progress of the Company.

Understanding the loopholes, and then setting up Smart Goals to mitigate human-made errors.

Smart stands for an accurate and smart way to achieve time-bound objectives.

One has to prepare Smart Goals and then run the same in AP automation mode. Identify the areas where it is necessary to run the automation that is to identify smart goals and then go ahead with this automation.

The best example is the data entry of every invoice manually. It may take loads of time and will be entered with mistakes and errors. After understanding numerous factors like employee strength, talent, available technology, and budget, this software can be installed.

Smart Goals in the form of: –

  •   identifying the best format for feeding the invoices.
  •   identifying invoice approving authorities and laying down appropriate approving procedures.
  •   defining the number of invoices that will be paid monthly.
  •   relevant information for approving the invoices; and
  •   handling various invoice issues.

Once the Smart Goal is identified and worked upon, the automation process of AP can run accordingly.

From the above, it is understood that if Smart Goals have been prepared after taking note of all the errors and issues, then the effective Smart Goals will help to formulate and run automatic AP effectively and efficiently.

Smart goals should be clear, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.

Let us understand every term to define Smart Goals: –

  • Specific means that the problem should be identified in the most accurate and precise manner. If problems are not defined properly then the solution to that problem will also not be proper.
  • Achievable means that the solution provided should be attainable and realistic to achieve. Setting up proper parameters is making things achievable and acceptable.
  • Time Bound means to set up the parameters to be achieved in a defined time. There has to be a real-time defined to achieve the goals.
  • Relevant means it should make sense and it is as per the company’s plan and laid down policies.
  • Measurable means that it can be described in specific terms like quantity, duration, mass, and size…that is making the goal quantifiable.

Many other incentives, discounts, and lesser penalties are also some goals that can be added to this automation. There are lots of challenges, difficulties, and hurdles to carry out any business objective, but if goals are set then one can work to have a win-win situation over the challenges, difficulties, and hurdles and optimize the results to make it more effective and efficient in achieving the desired targets.

Achieving objectives with the use of Workflow Automation Software: –

Identifying the business challenges, and errors, reducing expenses, and speeding up established processes in the accounting departments can be part of Smart Goals that can be defined and accordingly, Workflow Automation Software can be a smart software to achieve the Smart Goals.

Workflow Automation Software can be instrumental: –

  • To send scanned invoices with all defined parameters to the employees of the Company.
  • Identifying the errors, improving processes and procedures.
  • The data is online and can be easily transmitted to the accounting or ERP system.
  • Timely alerts can be issued to employees to complete their tasks.
  • All the required information can be easily fed into the software.

Overall business productivity and efficiency can be achieved by setting up Smart Goals and by adopting the Workflow Automation Software in the Accounts Payable department.


Automate Your Account Payable with Rstsolutions

At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs.  

Why Choose RST Solutions?  

  • 20+ Years of Expertise  
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach  
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions  
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance  
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth  

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.   

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036 

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs 

February 12, 2024
10 top AI and machine learning trends for 2024

Buckle up, 2024 promises to be a wild ride for AI! Forget the sci-fi movies – these powerful technologies are already weaving themselves into the fabric of our lives, and this year, they’re getting smarter and more practical. Get ready for AI that sees the world like you do, acts independently to solve problems, and even tailors itself to your specific needs. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows – ethical concerns, talent shortages, and the need for real-world results will also take center stage. So, let’s dive into the 10 hottest AI trends that will define the year ahead, from mind-blowing multimodal AI to the reality check facing generative models. Hold on tight, it’s going to be a fascinating journey! 

  • Multimodal AI – Imagine an AI that understands not just your words, but your facial expressions and the tone of your voice. That’s multimodal AI, and it’s breaking down communication barriers like never before. 
  • Agentic AI: Get ready for AI that doesn’t just respond but takes initiative! These autonomous agents set goals and act independently, revolutionizing everything from environmental monitoring to financial portfolio management. 
  • Open Source AI: Building powerful AI used to be a luxury, but open-source AI is changing the game. Sharing code and data is democratizing development, making AI accessible to all and fostering ethical practices. 
  • Enhanced Accuracy with Retrieval-Augmented Generation: Remember AI models that made up facts? Retrieval-augmented generation fixes that by combining text generation with real-world data, producing accurate and relevant content for businesses and beyond. 
  • Customized AI Solutions: Forget one-size-fits-all! Customized models let you build your own AI, specifically trained for your needs. Imagine a customer service chatbot that speaks your company’s language or an AI inventory manager that knows your logistics inside out. 
  • The AI Talent Crunch: Building and managing AI isn’t easy, and the demand for skilled professionals is skyrocketing. From data scientists to Machine Learning Operations experts, organizations will need to get creative to attract and retain this critical talent. 
  • Shadow AI: The Uninvited Guest: As employees get excited about AI, “shadow AI” is emerging – the unauthorized use of AI tools within organizations. While this can bring innovation, it raises security and compliance concerns. Finding the right balance between encouraging exploration and managing risks will be key. 
  • A generative AI reality check :AI Hype Meets Real-World Challenges: The initial excitement surrounding AI is likely to encounter a dose of reality in 2024. Integrating these complex tools into existing systems won’t be a walk in the park. Managing expectations and setting realistic goals will be crucial to navigating this “trough of disillusionment” and moving towards a more practical approach. 
  • Increased attention to AI ethics and security risks: Deepfakes and malicious AI raise red flags about misinformation and manipulation. The increasing sophistication of AI demands a stronger focus on ethical development, transparent practices, and robust security measures. 
  • Evolving AI Regulation: 2024 marks a pivotal year for AI regulation, with the EU’s AI Act leading the way. Organizations need to stay informed about evolving global regulations and ensure their AI practices meet the highest ethical and legal standards. 

So, there you have it! These 10 trends are just a glimpse into the exciting future of AI. From revolutionizing communication to tackling ethical challenges, 2024 promises to be a year where AI truly starts to shape the world around us. Are you ready to hop on board? 

February 5, 2024
The seven automation and AI trends to know (and act on) right now

Get ready, 2024 is about to be a wild ride! Two game-changing forces, automation and AI, are teaming up to unlock incredible possibilities for anyone who’s ready to grab them. Buckle up, because I’m bursting with excitement about what’s coming. 

Think of it like this: imagine AI as the brainy inventor with mind-blowing ideas but needing a helpful sidekick to turn them into reality. That’s where automation comes in, making AI’s inventions work smoothly and quickly. And 2024 is the year this dynamic duo hits overdrive. 

Here are 7 mind-blowing trends to watch out for: 

  • The C-suite seizes AI’s value—with automation’s help: Executives now see AI as a potent tool, not just a buzzword. Automation acts as the execution catalyst, helping companies turn AI promises into tangible business benefits. Look for robots tackling paperwork, emails, and even optimizing workflows!
  • Select AI + automation use cases get hot, hot, hot: Specific AI + automation solutions with proven track records of delivering significant, immediate, and lasting value will flourish. Intelligent document processing (IDP) leads the charge, but stay tuned for the rise of communications mining, process and task mining, and automated testing.
  • The transparent organization comes into focus—end-to-end: Leading organizations will leverage AI-powered process and task mining to continuously “scan” their operations. This deep visibility into workflows and tasks allows them to pinpoint bottlenecks, eliminate inefficiencies, and maintain peak performance. Imagine seeing exactly how everything works in your company, like looking inside with an X-ray machine!
  • LLMs power virtual BFFs: Get ready for a new class of virtual desktop assistants! These “copilots” understand your plain language requests and proactively handle your tasks, becoming your indispensable sidekick. By year’s end, millions of knowledge workers may find themselves wondering how they ever managed without their AI buddy.
  • There’s a new jolt of “auto” in automation: AI is about to dramatically empower machines, freeing up human time and energy. Generative AI and natural language processing (NLP) can now auto-create portions of automations and tests, boosting both quality and speed. Expect AI to take over much of the manual work in model training as well, and even witness the emergence of self-healing software robots!
  • Safe AI becomes a focus of action—and innovation: 2023 highlighted the potential risks of AI, such as security breaches and bias. But 2024 will be about action and innovation! Organizations will implement robust governance, design secure AI systems, and partner with responsible AI practitioners. Governments will join the fray with new regulations to ensure AI benefits everyone. 
  • Redefining Work with AI: AI is a transformative force that will reshape the world of work, demanding new skills and ways of thinking. While this evolution will take time, exciting thought leadership and real-world experiments are anticipated in 2024. 

This year promises to be a defining one for automation and AI. Embrace the opportunities, adapt to the changes, and let’s make 2024 a year of record-breaking progress! Remember, the power to harness this technology’s potential lies in our hands. Let’s use it wisely and collectively forge a brighter future. 

At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs. 

Why Choose RST Solutions? 

  • 20+ Years of Expertise 
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach 
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions 
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth 

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.  

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs 


January 17, 2024
Manufacturing Automation: The Power of AI in Manufacturing

In the manufacturing domain, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are game changers, streamlining processes and driving innovation. 

While physical robots handle tasks like assembling and testing, manufacturing faces challenges in areas like compliance, workforce, and inventory management. 

RPA is a powerful tool that helps automate complex back-office tasks, making operations more agile. It tackles supply chain challenges, simplifying tasks such as quoting, invoicing, and general ledger operations. 

AI, on the other hand, brings intelligence to automation, boosting productivity, revenue, and improving the customer experience. It ensures better compliance, sustainability, and risk management. Combining RPA and AI streamlines processes, reduces errors, and enhances overall quality. 

RST Solution, a trusted partner of UiPath, collaborates with manufacturers to unlock the potential of speed, efficiency, and increased revenue within the manufacturing value chain.

By leveraging RST Solution’s expertise and UiPath’s automation prowess, manufacturers can streamline complex business operations, ensuring a seamless journey toward heightened productivity and financial growth. 


Contact RST Solution for your tailored automation solution and accelerate your manufacturing capabilities. 

 Key Takeaways: 

  • Boost Productivity: Automate sourcing, supply chains, and production for increased efficiency. 
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Improve after-sales and services through AI-powered automation. 
  • Drive Revenue Growth: Leverage marketing and sales automation for increased revenue. 
  • Ensure Compliance and Sustainability: Gain a comprehensive view of data to meet goals effectively. 

Industry Insights: 

  • IDC predicts 65% of manufacturing enterprises will save 10% of operating expenses through advanced production technologies by 2030. 
  • Everest Group reports 89% of manufacturing enterprises are adopting digital automation to enhance customer experiences. 
  • Gartner predicts 75% of marketing staff will transition to more strategic activities due to AI and automation. 

Embrace the future of manufacturing with RPA and AI – a simple, efficient, and innovative approach. 

Discrete Manufacturing

Boosting Efficiency in Discrete Manufacturing 

Make operations smoother and more productive in discrete manufacturing. By automating repetitive tasks, minimizing errors, and optimizing processes, industries like automotive, electronics, apparel, fashion, luxury, high-tech, machinery, equipment, and construction can speed up their production.  

Moving from raw materials to finished products, this approach ensures quicker time to market, compliance with regulations, and an improved customer experience. 

Process Industries
Optimizing Efficiency in Process Industries 

Make processes smoother in industries like resources, oil and gas, chemicals, food & beverage, beauty & personal care, engineering, and services. With automated tasks powered by AI, efficiency goes up, costs come down, and accuracy improves. It’s a simple way to streamline critical business processes and make everything work better. 


Whether discrete or process manufacturing, AI-powered automation drives business value for manufacturing clients in productivity, customer experience, revenue growth, and compliance and sustainability.


Sourcing and purchasing: 

Increase efficiency and productivity in sourcing and purchasing.  

Intelligent automations improve sourcing performance by reducing costs, saving time, enhancing accuracy, ensuring compliance, managing supplier relationships, using data analytics, standardizing processes, and increasing employee productivity. 

  Business use cases: 

  • Invoice processing and exception management.  
  • Monitoring and updating raw material prices. 
  • Vendor onboarding, upgrades, and performance monitoring.  
  • Automated legal and compliance checks. 


Supply chain management: 

Streamline supply chain procedures and logistics. 

With intelligent automation, you can streamline material flow, cut lead times, and eliminate stock-outs, all while improving overall supply chain efficiency. 

Business use cases:   

  • Bill of lading production and revisions.  
  • Accurate receipt matching, updates, and modifications. 
  • Validate and monitor transit shipping contracts. 
  • Monitor and report on critical parts inventory. 


Production and maintenance  

Increase efficiency and automate shopfloor activities. 

Automate shop floor processes to boost productivity across all production assets and networks.  

Business use cases: 

  • Real-time reporting provides operational visibility  
  • Preventive/predictive maintenance and plan updates.    
  • Production/quality control and decision support.  
  • Incident management and reporting 


After sales and services 

Personalized offers, better field service operations, and reduced expenses.  

Streamline client engagements and improve the customer experience across all service channels, while optimizing field service operations and efficiency. 

Business Use Cases:

  • Dealer and supplier—automated data collection and validation  
  • Integrations for service desks. 
  • Automate claims and warranty validation, approval, and assessment. 
  • Service order processing and tracking. 


Marketing and Sales  

Create a loyal consumer base by providing exceptional experiences. 

Discover improved self-service customer journeys and provide contact center agents with data to significantly reduce average handling times.  

Business use cases: 

  • Sales order: data entry, validation, and payment approval 
  • Quote creation, approval, and delivery. 
  • Process payments and update tax information. 
  • Customer registrations and data enrichment.


Compliance and Sustainability 

Ingest and pool data to ensure prompt reporting, compliance, and rectification.  

Input and integrate sustainability data to ensure timely reporting, compliance monitoring, and performance tracking against sustainability objectives. Enable data-driven decision-making and satisfy regulatory sustainability standards more efficiently.  

Business Use Cases: 

  • Data collecting on energy consumption, emissions, and waste.  
  • Integration of third-party data sources, databases, and portals.
  • Automated compliance monitoring and alerts.
  • Benchmarking and competitive analysis. 

More to Explore in Manufacturing AutomationSubscribe RST Solution insightful.

Boost your manufacturing efficiency with RST Solutions’ smart automation. 

At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs.  

Why Choose RST Solutions?  

  • 20+ Years of Expertise  
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach  
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions  
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance  
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth  

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.   

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036 

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs 

January 15, 2024
Unlock New Possibilities with JD Edwards Release 24

Oracle introduced JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release 24,, representing a significant advancement with application and tools enhancements, showcasing the commitment to empowering businesses with a resilient and adaptable platform. Packed with automation features, enhanced reporting tools, and optimizations for smoother operations and user experiences, Release 24 aligns seamlessly with the evolving needs of modern enterprises.

Aligned with the 9.2 continuous code line, these upgrades unfold gradually, allowing businesses to integrate Release 24 tools based on their specific needs without the complexity and cost associated with major upgrades. This Digital ERP release is strategically crafted to simplify, enhance, and transform business processes, reflecting Oracle’s enduring dedication to assisting customers in their digital transformations.

Explore the Latest Features of JD Edwards E1 Release 24:

Applications Enhancements


  • Enterprise Automation: Requisition to Receipt 
  • Standalone Check Price in Procurement 
  • Avoid Opening Requisition Order When Purchase Order Line is Canceled During Receipt 
  • Volume Based Buying Recommendations in Procurement

JD Edwards Release 24 brings notable enhancements to procurement processes. Enterprise Automation introduces a visual process flow model for requisition to receipt, utilizing watchlists for data visibility and efficient decision-making.

The Standalone Check Price feature in Advanced Pricing allows customers to review line-level adjustments independently, providing flexibility in pricing decisions before creating a Purchase Order.

Another update prevents the reopening of requisition orders when canceling a purchase order line, offering enhanced flexibility in the receipt process.

Moreover, the Advanced Pricing system now automatically notifies users of volume-based buying opportunities during purchase order entry, optimizing the purchasing process and resulting in increased savings.


  • Automated Safety Stock Population 
  • Allow Inventory Locations to be Put On Hold 

JD Edwards Release 24 introduces automated safety stock population, streamlining inventory planning by eliminating the manual maintenance of safety stock values. This feature ensures enhanced protection against unexpected supply or demand fluctuations.

Additionally, the update allows for more efficient and flexible inventory management by introducing a Location Hold field in the Location Master. This field dictates transaction types, taking precedence over Lot Status in the Item Location table, simplifying processes and eliminating the need for constant updates to individual item/lot/location records. 


  • Enterprise Automation: Shipment to Dispatch 

JD Edwards introduces Enterprise Automation for logistics, streamlining the shipment-to-dispatch process. Utilizing pages and watchlists, this feature enhances visibility at each step, enabling links to detailed process flows and uncovering efficiencies in the entire logistics process. 


  • Automatic Service or Equipment Work Order Routing Attachment Through ETO Project Workbench 
  • OCI AI/ML Accelerator for JD Edwards 

JD Edwards introduces a time-saving enhancement, automating the attachment of Service or Equipment Work Order routings when created through the ETO Project Workbench. This eliminates additional user steps, streamlining the process. 

Additionally, JD Edwards customers can now utilize the OCI AI/ML Accelerator to address business challenges. This accelerator jump-starts AI/ML implementation, helping identify patterns and correlations for improved decision-making. 


  • Ability to View Details of Vouchers Associated with Purchase Orders from Account Ledger Program 
  • Flexibility in Defining Default Document Type for Journal Entry 
  • View Joint Venture Parent BU in Business Units and Job Master Applications 
  • Improved Asset Cost Analysis 

JD Edwards enhances the Account Ledger program, allowing users to drill down to voucher details associated with purchase orders and facilitating voucher match reversal. This reduces the time needed for viewing voucher details directly from the account ledger. 

Additionally, the Journal Entry program receives an upgrade with a new processing option, offering users increased flexibility in defining default document types for Journal entries. 

Moreover, the inclusion of Joint Venture Parent Business Unit in Business Units and Job Master applications improves user experience by providing a consolidated view of Joint Venture-related Business Units. 

Finally, JD Edwards introduces a new program for Asset and Maintenance cost review, ensuring users have access to improved and accurate data for enhanced asset cost analysis. 

Grower/Blend Management 

  • Blend Lot Trace/Track Auditing 

JD Edwards unveils Simplified Auditing for Blend Management, empowering customers to generate timely audit reports. This enhancement ensures accurate data capture, eliminates ambiguity in reports, and demonstrates compliance throughout the audit trail, enhancing overall auditing efficiency. 

Capital Asset Management 

  • Usability Enhancements for Resource Assignments 

JD Edwards streamlines resource and crew assignment processes, enhancing user experience and work scheduling. The upgrades offer efficient data access, customizable tables, and time-saving features for resource managers, including updating work order start dates and removing assignments for canceled orders, optimizing resource management. 

Environmental, Social, and Governance 

  • JD Edwards Statement of Direction for Sustainability Framework 

JD Edwards is dedicated to the Sustainability Framework, aligning with ESG principles. The Statement of Direction outlines a roadmap to simplify data collection for crucial environmental factors, aiding businesses in adopting sustainable practices. 

Legislative, Regulatory and Localizations 

  • France 
  • Peru 
  • Argentina 

JD Edwards introduces a new French VAT Report for both “Services” and “Goods,” providing a versatile solution for printing VAT in France. For Peru, compliance with SUNAT Tax Authority is enhanced with a new VAT Purchasing Tax File.

In Argentina, modifications in the EnterpriseOne system align with RG715 for VAT, incorporating an option in outbound programs to include or exclude ICMS in PIS/COFINS, meeting AFIP specifications. 

Tools Enhancements 

Digital Transformation 

  • Workflow Monitor 
  • Task Tracking 
  • Notification Reminders 
  • Output Stream Access for Orchestrations 
  • User-Defined Delimiter for Orchestrator Output to CSV 
  • Prebuilt Workflow Data Structures 

JD Edwards introduces a modernized Workflow Monitor, streamlining the traditional Workflow Process Monitor for quick insights into smooth processes or early awareness of workflow issues by administrators and authorized process owners. 

In addition, JD Edwards enhances task management with Task Tracking, allowing users to set due dates, update task statuses, and perform historical analysis. Notification Reminders facilitate the prioritization of time-sensitive tasks by enabling users to set reminders and manage notifications easily. 

For enhanced automation, Output Stream Access for Orchestrations enables the Orchestrator Report step to generate OSA output, providing a wide array of capabilities for process automation. Users can also customize CSV file outputs in Orchestrations with the User-Defined Delimiter feature. 

Furthermore, the introduction of Prebuilt Workflow Data Structures simplifies the creation of new workflows by offering ready-to-use data structures, a generic approval process, and message templates, providing a quick start for designers. 

 System Automation  

  • JDE Update Manager – Applications Update (UN) Support Through Web Client 
  • JDE Update Manager – Batch Update Through Web Client 
  • JDE Update Manager – Impact Analysis Dashboard 
  • JDE Update Manager – Webify UDC & Glossary Compare/Merge Utility 
  • Tools Rollup ESU Automated Special Instructions Replacement for Web Deployment 
  • Server Manager – Centralized Configuration for Enterprise and Integration Servers 
  • Web OMW – Business View Design Tool 
  • Web OMW – Object Promote to Package 
  • Simplified Management of User Logging 

JDE Update Manager introduces web-based support for Application Software Updates, enabling seamless installation and automation. Batch updates streamline the process, maintaining code currency. The Impact Analysis Dashboard provides a visual representation of updated objects and processes for informed patching decisions. 

Webify UDC & Glossary Compare/Merge Utility simplifies the update process by allowing users to compare existing values with proposed changes. Automated Tools Release Configuration replaces ASI for Tools Rollup ESU, leveraging JD Edwards application interface for automation. 

Server Manager now centrally configures Enterprise and Integration Servers, simplifying settings management. The Web OMW – Business View Design Tool enhances collaboration between developers and analysts. Object Promote to Package allows direct promotion without package build for primary specification objects. 

Simplified Management of User Logging streamlines user-level logging across instances, enhancing debugging efforts. 


  • Server Manager REST API for TLS Configuration Automation 
  • Support for LDAP Over SSL Using 2048-bit Certificate 

The Server Manager introduces a REST API for TLS Configuration Automation, offering external APIs to automate secure configuration between the Server Manager Console and its managing Agents.

Additionally, users can now benefit from enhanced security with the support for LDAP over SSL using 2048-bit certificates, ensuring improved security and compliance for LDAP communication. 


  • Support for Automatic and Manual Scaling for Autonomous Database 
  • Platform Certifications 

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne now supports automatic and manual scaling for Oracle Autonomous Database users, ensuring optimal performance and resource flexibility.

The platform certifications include the latest versions of key components, guaranteeing a well-supported technology stack for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne deployments. 

Note : Release 24 innovation is delivered in Tools 9.2. which supports Applications 9.2 and is only available for 64-bit Tools Foundation. 


 Read detailed release on : Release 24: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 ( 


Make a smart investment with JDE Edwards: real value, real savings. 

At RST Solutions, we’re not just about solutions; we’re about transforming your business. As experts in ERP, Business Process Automation, and Supply Chain Management, we specialize in providing consultation, implementation, and support tailored to your unique needs. 

Why Choose RST Solutions? 

  • 20+ Years of Expertise 
  • 360-Degree Analysis Approach 
  • Best-in-Class Integrated Solutions 
  • Improved Service Levels and Compliance 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability for Growth 

 Let’s align your technology roadmap with your business goals. Connect with RST Solutions for a 360-degree transformation – because your success is our priority.  

Email id:
Phone no: 1-610-232-0036

 #RSTSolutions #DigitalTransformation #BusinessSolutions #ConnectWithUs